A History of Christian Thought: From its Judaic and Hellenistic Origins to Existentialism
Paul Tillich

From The Publisher:
In A History of Christian Thought, Paul Tillich has accomplished the supremely difficult feat of creating a work at once brilliantly authoritative and comprehensive, while remaining clear and uncluttered by scholarly annotation and debate. Originally delivered as lectures at the Union Theological Seminary and at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, this edition has been superbly edited by Carl E. Braaten of the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. From the "preparation for Christianity" implicit in the kairos and the Mystery Religions to the individualism of Bultmann, Troeltsch, and Barth, Professor Tillich guides the reader through the fascinating history of Christian thought with a confidence and clarity of presentation only a great scholar and teacher possesses.

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About the Author
Paul Tillich (1886-1965), one of the great theologians of the twentieth century, taught at Union Theological Seminary, New York, and then at the University of Chicago and Harvard University.

Table of Contents
Preface to the Touchstone Edition
Paul Tillich and the Classical Christian Tradition
by Carl E. Braaten
Introduction: The Concept of Dogma
I. The Preparation for Christianity
A. The Kairos
B. The Universalism of the Roman Empire
C. Hellenistic Philosophy
1. Skepticism
2. The Platonic Tradition
3. The Stoics
4. Eclecticism
D. The Inter-Testamental Period
E. The Mystery Religions
F. The Method of the New Testament
II. Theological Developments in the Ancient Church
A. The Apostolic Fathers
B. The Apologetic Movement
1. The Christian Philosophy
2. God and the Logos
C. Gnosticism
D. The Anti-Gnostic Fathers
1. The System of Authorities
2. The Montanist Reaction
3. God the Creator
4. The History of Salvation
5. Trinity and Christology
6. The Sacrament of Baptism
E. Neo-Platonism
F. Clement and Origen of Alexandria
1. Christianity and Philosophy
2. The Allegorical Method
3. The Doctrine of God
4. Christology
5. Eschatology
G. Dynamic and Modalistic Monarchism
1. Paul of Samosata
2. Sabellius
H. The Trinitarian Controversy
1. Arianism
2. The Council of Nicaea
3. Athanasius and Marcellus
4. The Cappadocian Theologians
I. The Christological Problem
1. The Antiochean Theology
2. The Alexandrian Theology
3. The Council of Chalcedon
4. Leontius of Byzantium
J. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
K. Terullian and Cyprian
L. The Life and Thought of Augustine
1. The Development of Augustine
2. Augustine's Epistemology
3. The Idea of God
4. The Doctrine of Man
5. Philosophy of History
6. The Pelagian Controversy
7. The Doctrine of the Church
III. Trends in the Middle Ages
A. Scholasticism, Mysticism, Biblicism
B. The Scholastic Method
C. Trends in Scholasticism
1. Dialectics and Tradition
2. Augustinianism and Aristotelianism
3. Thomism and Sootism
4. Nominalism and Realism
5. Pantheism and Church Doctrine
D. The Religious Forces
E. The Medieval Church
F. The Sacraments
G. Anselm of Canterbury
H. Abelard of Paris
I. Bernard of Clairvaux
J. Joachim of Floris
K. The Thirteenth Century
L. The Doctrines of Thomas Aquinas
M. William of Ockham
N. German Mysticism
O. The Pre-Reformers
IV. Roman Catholocism from Trent to the Present
A. The Meaning of Counter-Reformation
B. The Doctrine of Authorities
C. The Doctrine of Sin
D. The Doctrine of Justification
E. The Sacraments
F. Papal Infallibility
G. Jansenism
H. Probabilism
I. Recent Developments
V. The Theology of Protestant Reformers
A. Martin Luther
1. The Breakthrough
2. Luther's Criticism of the Church
3. His Conflict with Erasmus
4. His Conflict with the Evangelical Radicals
5. Luther's Doctrines
a. The Biblical Principle
b. Sin and Faith
c. The Idea of God
d. The Doctrine of Christ
e. Church and State
B. Huldreich Zwingli
C. John Calvin
1. The Majesty of God
2. Providence and Predestination
3. The Christian Life
4. Church and State
5. The Authority of Scripture
VI. The Development of Protestant Theology
A. The Period of Orthodoxy
1. Reason and Revelation
2. The Formal and Material Principles
B. Pietism
C. The Enlightenment
Introduction: Problem and Method
I. Oscillating Emphases in Orthodoxy, Pietism, and Rationalism
A. The Period of Orthodoxy
B. The Reaction of Pietism against Orthodoxy
C. The Rise of Rationalism
II. The Enlightenment and Its Problems
A. The Nature of Enlightenment
1. The Kantian Definition of Autonomy
2. Concepts of Reason
a. Universal Reason
b. Critical Reason
c. Intuitive Reason
d. Technical Reason
3. The Concept of Nature
4. The Concept of Harmony
B. The Attitude of the Enlightened Man
1. His Bourgeois Character
2. His Ideal of a Reasonable Religion
3. His Common-sense Morality
4. His Subjective Feeling
C. Intrinsic Conflicts of Enlightenment
1. Cosmic Pessimism
2. Cultural Vices
3. Personal Vices
4. Progress Based on Immorality
D. The Fulfillers and Critics of Enlightenment
1. Rousseau, The French Revolution, and Romanticism
2. Hume, The History of Religion, and Positivism
3. Kant, Moral Religion, and Radical Evil
III. The Classic-Romantic Reaction against the Enlightenment
A. Lessing, Historical Criticism, and the Rediscovery of Spinoza
B. The Sythesis of Spinoza and Kant
C. The Nature of Romanticism
1. The Infinite and Finite
2. The Emotional and the Aesthetic Elements in Romanticism
3. The Turn to the Past and the Valuation of Tradition
4. The Quest of Unity and Authority
5. The Negative and the Demonic in Romanticism
D. The Classical Theological Sythesis: Friedrich Schleiermacher
1. The Background of Schleiermacher's Thought
2. His Concept of Religion as Feeling
3. His Postivistic Definition of Theology
4. His Interpretation of Christianity
E. The Universal Synthesis: Georg W. F. Hegel
1. The Greatness and the Tragic Hybris of Hegel's System
2. The Synthesis of God and Man (Mind and Person)
3. The Synthesis of Religion and Culture (Thought and Imagination)
4. The Synthesis of State and Church
5. Providence, History, and Theodicy
6. The Christ as Reality and Symbol
7. Eternity against Immortalitly
IV. The Breakdown of the Universal Synthesis
A. The Split in the Hegelian School
1. The Historical Problem: Strauss and Baur
2. The Anthropological Problem: Ludweig Feuerbach
B. Schelling's Criticism of Hegel
C. The Religious Revival and Its Theological Consequences
1. The Nature of the European Revival
2. The Theology of Repristination
3. Natural Science and the Fight over Darwinism
D. Kierkegaard's Existential Theology
1. Kierkegaard's Criticism of Hegel
2. Ethical Existence and the Human Situation (Anxiety, Despair)
3. The Nature of Faith (The Leap and Existential Truth)
4. Criticism of Theology and Church
E. Political Radicalism and Its Theological Significance
1. The Bourgeois Radicals
2. Marx's Relation to Hegel and Feuerbach
3. Marx's View of the Human Situation (Alienation)
4. Marx's Doctrine of Ideology and His Attack on Religion
5. Marx's Political Existentialism
6. The Prophetic Element in Marx
F. Voluntarism and the Philosophy of Life
1. Schopenhauer's Idea of the Will
2. Nietzsche's Idea of Will-To-Power
3. Nietzsche's Doctrine of Resentment
4. The "Death of God" and the New Ideal of Man
V. News Ways of Meditation
A. Experience and the Biblical Message
1. The Erlangen School
2. Martin Kähler
B. The "Back to Kant" Movement
C. Adolf von Harnack
D. Miscellaneous Movements in Theology
1. The Luther-Renaissance
2. Biblical Realism
3. Radical Criticism
4. Rudolf Bultmann
5. The History of Religions Approach
6. Ernst Troeltsch
7. Religious Socialism
8. Karl Barth
9. Existentialism
Index of Names
Index of Subjects |

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