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Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity
Jacob Neusner

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Format: Paperback, 112pp.
ISBN: 9780800617509
Publisher: Fortress Publishing
Pub. Date: January 1984

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In this clearly written book, Jacob Neusner answers the central questions about the world of Judaism in which Christianity was born. He gives an overview of the history and religion of Israel and an analysis of the Judaic legacy as it endured among those who did not become Christians. He also discusses the troubling issue of the Pharisees and investigates the identity of the "historical Hillel." This accessible book aims to speak directly to every student who is concerned with both the early and contemporary meanings of the Jewish and Christian faiths.


"An extraordinary suggestive introduction to the Judaism of the first century, brilliantly written by America's foremost specialist on Judaism, who here focuses especially on Pharisaic Judaism because of the large role it plays in the New Testament itself."
—Martin Hengel, author of Judaism and Hellenism


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About the Author

Jacob Neusner is Distinguished Research Professor of Religious Studies at the University of South Florida, Tampa, and Professor of Religion at Bard College, Anondale-on-Hudson, New York.

Table of Contents

1. The World of Jesus' People: Israel in the Land of Israel — Rome in Palestine
2. Sage, Priest, Messiah: Three Types of Judaism in the Age of Jesus
3. The Pharisees: Jesus' Competition
4. The Figure of Hillel: A Counterpart to the Problem of the Historical Jesus
5. Judaism Beyond Catastrophe: The Destruction of the Temple and the Renaissance of Torah
A Final Word
For Further Reading

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