Christianity and Western Thought: A History of Philosophers, Ideas and Movements Faith & Reason in the 19th Century: Volume 2
Steve Wilkens and Alan G. Padgett

From The Publisher:
The nineteenth century continues to wield its substantial influence. Marx, Mill, Hegel, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Emerson, Darwin, Freud and Weber brought their era new realms of thought which still populate our imaginations. As a result, the study of history, science, psychology, philosophy, sociology and religion has not been the same.
These heirs to rationalism began to explore the full range of human experience—which became a matter of philosophical and theological interest, and even authority. Romanticism flourished in arts and literature as Idealism, Transcendentalism, Pragmatism and other movements developed. All had a profound effect on religion and how it was viewed—particularly on Christianity.
In this much-anticipated sequel to Colin Brown's Christianity and Western Thought Volume 1, Steve Wilkens and Alan Padgett follow the story of the interaction between Christianity and philosophy through the monumental changes of the nineteenth century.
Complete Set will contain Three Volumes (Volume 3 Not Yet Published)

"The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century changed the shape and character of the church for all
time. The Enlightenment and its nineteenth-century aftermath did the same for the modern world. We cannot understand contemporary culture, values and ways of thinking and their impact on Christianity without an appreciation of what has gone before. Steve Wilkens and Alan Padgett have performed an important service in exploring the interface between the driving ideas of the nineteenth century and Christian thought. They are uniquely qualified for this task. Steve is a trained theologian with an interest in philosophy. Alan is a trained philosopher with an interest in theology. Between them they have produced a jucidious, balanced and well-documented survey of European and North American thought that will serve students and teachers alike. Their work has no rivals in this field."
—Colin Brown, Fuller Theological Seminary

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About the Author
Steve Wilkens (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) is professor of philosophy and ethics at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California. He has also taught as an adjunct faculty member at Mount San Antonio College, Glendale Community College, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Azusa Pacific University's C. P. Haggard Graduate School of Theology. He wrote two articles for The Dictionary of Historical Theology (Eerdmans, 2001), and read his essay, "The 19th-Century Intellectual World," for Mars Hill Audio Journal (vol. 47, Nov/Dec 2000). Alan Padgett is professor of systematic theology at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Formerly he taught theology and philosophy at Azusa Pacific University. He is the author of God, Eternity and the Nature of Time (Wipf & Stock, 2000) and the editor of Reason and the Christian Religion (Oxford University Press, 1994). He has published several papers on topics in philosophy and theology.

Table of Contents
1. A Century of Transition
2. Expanding Rationality
3. Romanticism Christianized/Christianity Romanticized
4. Idealism and the End of Dichotomy
5. Humanity as Divine Incarnation
6. Hegel Inverted
7. Rebellion Against Rationality
8. A Rational Society
9. Act and Idea: Pragmatism and Anglo-American Idealism
10. Confessionalism and Liberalism: Reason and Religion
11. Darwin and the Rise of the Social Sciences
Epilogue: Retrospect and Prospect
Index |

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