Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey
Walter A. Elwell & Robert W. Yarbrough

From The Publisher:
Studying the New Testament can be an exciting — and intimidating — experience. Encountering the New Testament is designed to make the adventure less daunting and more rewarding. The authors survey the contents of the New Testament and introduce readers to the key themes and scholarly concerns of each book. Created with the beginning student in mind, Encountering the New Testament offers a variety of helpful features.
- A multimedia interactive CD-ROM study aid is included with each text. Over 200 photos of New Testament sites, video clips of Bible lands, interactive maps and review questions, and other learning activities enhance the student's encounter with the new Testament.
- Copious full-color illustrations, photographs, figures, tables, and charts highlight key information for the reader.
- Sidebars acquaint students with primary source material and address ethical and theological concerns.
- Focus boxes isolate key issues and make relevant applications.
- A comprehensive glossary defines unfamiliar terms.
- An outline and objectives presented at the opening of each chapter encourage students to begin with the end in mind.
- Study questions, review questions, annotated bibliography, and summaries at the end of each chapter allows students to immediately review what they have read.
Encountering the New Testament is the inaugural volume in a new series of textbooks for biblical studies courses — Encountering Biblical Studies.


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Table of Contents
Editor's Preface Publisher's Preface To the Professor To the Student Abbreviations 1. Why Study the New Testament? PART 1 Encountering Jesus and the Gospels 2. The Middle East in the Days of Jesus 3. The Gospel and the Four Gospels 4. The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah Has Come! 5. The Gospel of Mark: Son of God, Servant of All 6. The Gospel of Luke: A Savior for All People 7. The Gospel of John: Eternal Life through His Name 8. Man from Galilee: The Life of Jesus Christ 9. Lord, Teach Us: The Teaching Ministry of Jesus Christ 10. Modern Approaches to the New Testament: Historical Criticism and Hermeneutics 11. The Modern Study of the Gospels 12. The Modern Search for Jesus PART 2 Encountering Acts and the Earliest Church 13. The World and Identity of the Earliest Church 14. Acts 1-7: The Earliest Days of the Church 15. Acts 8-12: Salvation for Both Jew and Gentile 16. Acts 13-28: The Light of Christ to the Ends of the Earth PART 3 Encountering Paul and His Epistles 17. All Things to All Men: The Life and Teachings of the Apostle Paul 18. Romans: Right with God 19. Corinthians and Galatians: Apostolic Counsel for Confused Churches 20. Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon: Letters from Prison 21. Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus: A Legacy of Faithfulness PART 4 Encountering the General Epistles and the Apocalypse 22. Hebrews and James: Maintaining Full Commitment to Christ 23. Peter, John, and Jude: A Call to Faith, Hope, and Love 24. Revelation: God Is in Control! Epilogue: A Final Word Glossary Answers to Review Questions Notes Subject Index Scripture Index Name Index

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