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The Talmud: A Close Encounter
Jacob Neusner

080062498X Retail Price: $15.00
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Availability: Out-of-Print

Format: Paperback, 186pp.
ISBN: 080062498X
Publisher: Fortress Press
Pub. Date: December 1991

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From The Publisher:

For the unintiated — and even for seasoned scholars — the Talmud is a daunting sea of literature. Jacob Neusner in this book offers guidance in approaching the rabbinic writings, analyzing the ancient teachings, and interpreting the basis of religious authority for traditional Judaism. The result is a vivid introduction to one of the great documents of religion in society.

"We may compare the framers of the Talmud therefore to a weaver of a tapestry. . . . The weaver uses yarn that she has not made, yarn that is received from somewhere else. But the weaver use the yarn to execute a vision of her own. The threads of the tapestry serve the artist's vision; the artist does not weave so that the threads show up one by one. The weavers of a tractate of the Bavli, as we shall see, make ample use of available yarn. But they weave their own tapestry of thought. And it is their vision, not the character of threads in hand, that dictates the proportions and message of the tapestry."—From Chapter 5



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About the Author

Jacob Neusner is Research Professor of Religion and Theology Bard College Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction: Why the Talmud Matters
II. The Mishnah's Judaism
III. Studying the Talmud for the First Time
IV. Assigning the Blame. The Talmud to Mishnah Baba Qamma 3:2
V. A Complete Passage of the Talmud. I Didn't Really Mean It. The Talmud to Mishnah Nedarim 9:1-2
VI. The Talmud Speaks to us About Deeds and Beliefs. Saying Thank You. The Talmud to Mishnah Berakhot 6:1
VII. The Talmud Speaks to us About Beliefs and Deeds. Saying You're Sorry. The Talmud to Mishnah Yoma 8:9
VIII. Why the Talmud Works: Necessity, Cause, and Blame in Greek Philosophy and Talmudic Jurisprudence
IX. A Last Word: The Talmud in Perspective

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