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The Emergence of the Church : Context, Growth, Leadership & Worship
Arthur G. Patzia

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Format: Paperback, 264pp.
ISBN: 0830826505
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Pub. Date: November 2001

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About the Author
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From The Publisher:

The early church did not descend from heaven on a golden string.

Nor did it spring full-grown from the mind of Jesus or the apostles.

The church emerged as the result of God's decisive action within a particular people, Israel, their story and their historical context. The focal point of this action was Jesus--his ministry, death and resurrection. But there were challenges, setbacks and conflicts, as well as bursts of understanding, expansion and growth. While the main lines of this story display a remarkable unity, a closer examination also reveals a living diversity of cultures, perspectives and practices.

In The Emergence of the Church Arthur G. Patzia explores the story, weighs the issues and traces the contours of the early church's expansion and growth, life and practices, leadership and worship. He offers both a panoramic introduction to the church as it was in the first century and a foundation for considering how it should be in the twenty-first century.


Patzia's clearly written book gives a broad overview of the developing character of the church from the Jesus movement to the end of the first century. Its fine bibliographies, sensitivity to cultural issues of the Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts and especially its focus on and extensive treatment of both ministry and church order/office and also worship in the first-century church make this a very useful and distinctive textbook.
—David M. Scholer, professor of New Testament and associate dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary

The welcome presence of Art Patzia the teacher appears on every page of this wide-ranging expose of the emergence of the church in the first century. Here are the fruits of over fifty years of scholarly discussion covering the many issues relevant to New Testament history, presented with care and nuance, simply but never superficially. Treating with particular seriousness the origins of Christianity in Judaism and reflecting on the diverse character of the early churches, Patzia provides a genuine service to students interested in grasping the patterns of belief, practice and growth of the church in its opening decades.
—Joel B. Green, Asbury Theological Seminary

The Emergence of the Church is a carefully crafted and well-executed piece of work, admirably suited to the classroom and useful for private study. It will serve the needs of many students of the first-century church and be a boon to teachers offering courses on the Christian movement in the early decades.
—Ralph P. Martin


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About the Author

Arthur G. Patzia is professor of New Testament and director of Fuller Theological Seminary in Northern California. He is also the author of Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon in the New International Bible Commentary series.

Table of Contents

List of Maps and Figures12
1The Geographical, Religious & Cultural Background to the Early Church19
1.1Geographical Background20
1.2Cultural and Religious Background27
2Jesus and the Church55
2.1The Search for Jesus56
2.2Jesus and the Restoration of Israel58
2.3Kingdom or Church?61
2.4The Jesus Movement65
2.5Jesus: From Easter to Pentecost69
3The Geographical Expansion, Numerical Growth & Diversity of the Early Church79
3.2Judea, Samaria, Galilee and the Coastal Regions85
3.3The Early Activity of Paul92
3.4The Church of Antioch96
3.5The Mission of Paul and Barnabas104
3.6Revisiting the Churches of Asia Minor107
3.7The Aegean Mission109
3.8The Church in Egypt138
3.10Diversity in Early Christianity and the Partings of the Ways143
4The Emergence of Ministry, Leadership & Chruch Order in the Early Church152
4.10Anonymous Leaders and Spiritual Gifts179
4.11Concluding Comments181
5Worship in the Early Church183
5.1Preliminary Considerations184
5.2The Context of Early Church Worship186
5.3The Setting of Early Church Worship188
5.4The Components of Early Church Worship194
5.5Additional Liturgical Components and Expressions205
5.6The Time of Worship212
5.7The Offering213
5.8The Lord's Supper216
Concluding Remarks247
Selected Bibliography252
Index of Ancient Authors261
Index of Modern Authors261
Subject Index263
Scripture Index266

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