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Fact, Value, and God
Fact, Value, and God

0802843123 Retail Price: $20.00
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Format: Paperback, 191pp.
ISBN: 0802843123
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Pub. Date: June 1997

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From The Publisher:

In this lucid and persuasive work, respected philosopher Arthur F Holmes surveys the historical ways of grounding moral values objectively in the nature of reality, pausing along the way to consider such major landmarks in Western thought as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Ockham, the Reformers, Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche.

Unconvinced that we live in a value-free universe, that fact and value are ultimately unrelated, or that we have to create all our own values rather than discovering the good, Holmes here explores the fact-value connection in the larger context of metaphysical and theological views. What emerges is a pervasive — and convincing — link between religious and moral beliefs. Fact, Value, and God will prove valuable not only to students and teachers of philosophy but also to serious general readers seeking fresh insights into the history of ideas.


Holmes traces the development of moral thinking from the Greeks to the present in terms of its acceptance or rejection of a relationship to God. While providing a clear and insightful look at the fundamental aspect of moral theory, he also supplies a very readable introduction to how ethical, metaphysical and religious views have affected one another.

Holmes has succeeded in making the history of ethics an engaging story. The book is noteworthy both for its inclusion of lesser-known figures and for its serious treatment of theological ideas, whether expressed by thinkers ordinarily classified as theologians or theologically minded philosophers…. The book is highly readable and, accompanied by an appropriate anthology, would work well as a text for an undergraduate course in ethics.


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About the Author

Arthur F. Holmes is Professor emeritus of philosophy at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.

Table of Contents

Cosmic Justice and the Pre-Socratics
Plato and the Improvement of the Soul
Aristotle and Nature's Teleology
The Divine Logos and the Goodness of Creation
Augustine: God and the Soul
Thomas Aquinas: A Creational Ethic
Scotus, Ockham, and the Reformers: What God Commands
Right Reason and the Scientific Revolution
Human Nature and Moral Teleology
Kant's Moral Worldview
Hegel: Idealist Ethics
Ethics as Empirical Science
Nietzche: Fact and Value with No God
In Retrospect

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