The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation - Revised Edition
Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., and Edward Cook

Format: Paperback, 688pp.
ISBN: 9780060766627
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Pub. Date: Revised Edition October 2005
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This revised-and-updated edition incorporates newly available translations of many of the texts (most notably Enoch and Jubilees), updated introductions to all the texts, and a new introduction summarizing the last ten years of the Dead Sea Scrolls exploration.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation is a landmark work that brings to life the long-inaccessible ancient scrolls of Qumran. Three distinguished translators at the forefront of modern scrolls scholarship reveal the rich tapestry of writings known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is the most comprehensive translation ever compiled for the general reader in any language.
Translated into modern-day English by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., and Edward Cook, this book contains virtually every legible portion of the fragmented scrolls, including revelatory information on early Christianity and its roots far deeper than previously realized in ancient Judaism. Included as well are scroll fragments that promise to dramatically alter our view of biblical history, including never-before released texts and newly discovered writings by and about key biblical prophets and ancestors. The translators provide illuminating commentary throughout that place the scrolls in their true historical context. They also present a compelling, insightful introduction that gives the reader an overview of the often surprising contents of the scrolls and discusses what are perhaps the greatest mysteries of the scrolls - who authored them and why.
From a new generation of Dead Sea Scrolls scholars, here is a fresh look, including the most recently released texts, at the scrolls. Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., and Edward Cook unlock the secrets and rich mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the most comprehensive translation ever published for the general reader in any language. Their brilliant scholarship and illuminating commentary add dramatic new knowledge to our understanding of the scrolls. This historic translation includes:
- Intriguing revelations about biblical history and the roots of Christianity.
- Never-before-seen stories about the biblical figures Abraham, Jacob, and Enoch---including a text explaining why God demanded the sacrifice of Isaac.
- Twelve texts not included in the Bible that claim Moses as their author.
- New psalms attributed to King David and to Joshua.
- Texts illuminating ancient doctrines about angels and writings claiming to be revelations of angels themselvesincluding the Archangel Michael.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation will set the standard for scrolls scholarship for years to come. This is an important, rigorously researched work that renders the scrolls vibrant and accessible.
In their great variety and stunning richness, the Dead Sea Scrolls as captured in this groundbreaking translation offer modern readers an unprecedented glimpse of the complex roots of modern Christianity. Its dozens of never-before published texts encompass poetry and prose, teaching parables and magical tales, astrology, apocalyptic visions, lists of buried treasure, stories of messiahs and antichrists, demons and angels and together, comprise a new classic of religious history.
Long withheld from public view, the ancient scrolls found in the caves of Qumran near the Dead Sea are revered by many but known in full by very few. Now three translators at the forefront of modern scrolls scholarship have revealed the entire rich complex of writings, stories, poems, and texts known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

"...a rather readable presentation of a large portion of the non-biblical scrolls, which commends itself to the general reader."
—Journal of Biblical Literature
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are not just for scholars anymore. They are here in a book that anyone can understand. Read these texts. Hidden in their caves, they survived the ravages of time and decay to speak to us today across two thousand years. They have survived their authors and will survive us, their readers."
—John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus, De Paul University and author of The Birth of Christianity and The Historical Jesus
"...a rather readable presentation of a large portion of the non-biblical scrolls, which commends itself to the general reader."
—Journal of Biblical Literature
"...the spirit of debate and critique, reappraisal and revision is here very much present. The brief discussions of the languages and scripts of the scrolls are a nice and somewhat unusual touch in a volume of this kind."
—Bible Review

About the AuthorsMichael Wise, who is among the foremost young scholars translating the Scrolls today, has been profiled in Time, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune. Martin Abegg, Jr., is co-director of the Dead Sea Scrolls Institute at Trinity Western University. Edward Cook is research associate at the Aramaic Lexicon Project at Hebrew Union College.

Table of Contents
A Dead Sea Scrolls Time Line
Reading a Dead Sea Scroll
How to Read This Book
1. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)
2. Tales of the Patriarchs (lQapGen)
3. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (lQH, lQ35, 4Q427-432)
4. A Commentary on Habakkuk (lQpHab)
5. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (I QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Ql 1)
6. Charter for Israel in the Last Days (1 QSa, 1 Q28a)
7. Priestly Blessings for the Last Days (1 Q28b, 1 QSb)
8. The War Scroll (1 QMI 4Q491-496)
9. The Words of Moses (1 Q22)
10. The Book of Secrets (lQ27, 4Q299-301)
11. Tongues of Fire (lQ29,4Q376)
12. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (lQ32, 2Q24, 4Q554-555, 5Ql5, llQl8)
13. Festival Prayers (lQ34, lQ34bis, 4Q507-509)
14. A List of Buried Treasure-The Copper Scroll (3Q15)
15. Apocryphal Psalms (4Q88)
16. A Reworking of Genesis and Exodus (4Ql58)
17. Ordinances (4Ql59, 4Q513-514)
18. An Account of the Story of Samuel (4Ql6O)
19. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Ql6l-l65)
20. A Commentary on Hosea (4Ql66-167)
21. A Commentary on Nahum (4Ql69)
22. Commentaries on Psalms (4Ql7l,4Ql73, lQl6)
23. The Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses (4Ql74)
24. A Collection of Messianic Proof Texts (4Ql75)
25. A Commentary on Consoling Passages in Scripture (4Ql76)
26. The Last Days: An Interpretation of Selected Verses (4Ql77)
27. A Lament for Zion (4QI79)
28. The Ages of the World (4Q 1 80-1 8 1)
29. A Sectarian History (4Ql83)
30. Wiles of the Wicked Woman (4Ql84)
31. In Praise of Wisdom (4Ql85)
32. A Horoscope Written in Code (4Ql86)
33. The Book of Giants (4Q203, lQ23,2Q26,4Q530-532,6Q8)
34. The Words of Levi (lQ21, Geniza Fragments, Mt. Athos Greek text, 4Q213-214, 4Q540-541)
35. The Last Words of Naphtaii (4Q215)
36. A Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q225)
37. Israel and the Holy Land (4Q226)
38. Enoch and the Watchers (4Q227)
39. The Healing of King Nabonidus (4Q242)
40. The Vision of Daniel (4Q243,4Q244,4Q245)
41. A Vision of the Son of God (4Q246)
42. The Acts of a King (4Q248)
43. A Commentary on the Law of Moses (4Q251)
44. Commentaries on Genesis (4Q252-254a)
45. Portions of Sectarian Law (4Q265)
46. Ritual Purity Laws Concerning Liquids (4Q274)
47. Rule of Initiation (4Q275)
48. The Ashes of the Red Heifer (4Q276-277)
49. Ritual Purity Laws Concerning Menstruation (4Q278)
50. Laws Concerning Lots (4Q279)
51. A Liturgy of Blessing and Cursing (4Q280,4Q286-289)
52. Laws for Purification (4Q284)
53. Laws About Gleaning (4Q284a)
54. The War of the Messiah (4Q285, llQl4)
55. The Sage to the "Children of Dawn" (4Q298)
56. The Parable of the Bountiful Tree (4Q302a)
57. The Phases of the Moon (4Q317)
58. A Divination Text (Brontologion) (4Q318)
59. Calendar of the Heavenly Signs (4Q319)
60. Synchronistic Calendars (4Q320-321a)
61. An Annalistic Calendar (4Q322-324b)
62. Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival-Year One (4Q325)
63. Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival-Year Four(4Q326)
64. The Sabbaths and Festivals of the year (4Q327, 4Q394 Section A)
65. Priestly Service As the Seasons Change (4Q328)
66. Priestly Rotation on the Sabbath (4Q329)
67. Priestly Service on the Passover (4Q329a)
68. Priestly Service on New Year's Day (4Q330)
69. A Liturgical Calendar (4Q334)
70. False Prophets in Israel (4Q339)
71. An Annotated Law of Moses (4Q364-365)
72. The Inheritance of the Firstborn, the Messiah of David (4Q369)
73. A Sermon on the Flood (4Q370)
74. Stories About the Tribes of Israel (4Q371-373, 2Q22)
75. A Discourse on the Exodus and Conquest (4Q374)
76. The Test of a True Prophet (4Q375)
77. A Moses Apocryphon (4Q377)
78. Psalms of Joshua (4Q378-379)
79. A Collection of Royal Psalms (4Q380,4Q381)
80. An Apocryphon of Elijah (4Q382)
81. Prophetic Apoci-yphon (4Q384-390)
82. God the Creator (4Q392)
83. Prayers for Forgiveness (4Q393)
84. A Sectarian Manifesto (4QMMT: 4Q394-399)
85. The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (4Q400-407, 1 1 Q 1 7, Masada Fragment)
86. Prayer of Praise (4Q408)
87. A Liturgy (4Q409)
88. The Secret of the Way Things Are (4Q410,4Q412-413,4Q415-421,4Q423, lQ26)
89. A Baptismal Liturgy (4Q414)
90. A Commentary on Genesis and Exodus (4Q422)
91. A Collection of Proverbs (4Q424)
92. In Praise of God's Grace-Barki Nafsizi (4Q434,4Q436,4Q437,4Q439)
93. Hymns of Thanksgiving (4Q443) ".
94. Meditation of the Sage (4Q444)
95. In Praise of King Jonathan (4Q448)
96. Meditation on Israel's History (4Q462)
97. Lives of the Patriarchs (4Q464)
98. The Archangel Michael and King Zedekiah (4Q470)
99. Assorted Manuscripts (4Q471)
100. The Two Ways (4Q473)
101. A Record of Disciplinary Action (4Q477)
102. A Prayer for Deliverance (4Q50 1)
103. A Liturgy of Thanksgiving (4Q502)
104. Daily Prayers (4Q503)
105. The Words of the Heavenly Lights (4Q504-506)
106. The Songs of the Sage for Protection Against Evil Spirits (4Q510-51 1)
107. A Purification Ritual (4Q512)
108. Redemption and Resurrection (4Q521)
109. A Tale of Joshua (4Q522)
110. The Blessings of the Wise (4Q525)
111. The Words of the Archangel Michael (4Q529)
112. The Birth of the Chosen One (4Q534-536)
113. The Vision of Jacob (4Q537)
114. An Apocryphon of Judah (4Q538)
115. The Last Words of Joseph (4Q539)
116. The LastWords of Kohath (4Q542)
117. The Vision of Amram (4Q543-548)
118. Hur and Miriam (4Q549)
119. The Tale of Bagasraw (4Q550a-f)
120. TheVision of the FourTrees (4Q552-553)
121. A Biblical Chronology (4Q559)
122. An Exorcism (4Q560)
123. An Aramaic Horoscope (4Q561)
124. An Aramaic Text on the Persian Period (4Q562)
125. A Priestly Vision (4Q563)
126. Thanksgivings (4QHodayot-like)
127. Apocryphal Psalms of David (1 1 Q5-6; 4Q88, 4Q448)
128. An Aramaic Translation of the Book of Job (1 lQlO)
129. Songs to Disperse Demons (1 IQ 1 1)
130. The Coming of Melchizedek (1 1 Q 1 3)
131.The Temple Scroll (1 1 Q 1 9-20)
Index of Manuscripts
Index of Peferences

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