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Can Archaeology Prove the Old Testament?
Examine the Evidence Series

Ralph O. Muncaster

0736903569 Retail Price: $4.99
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Availability: Out-of-Print

Format: Paperback, 48pp.
ISBN: 0736903569
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers, Inc.
Pub. Date: July 2000

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Table of Contents
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From The Publisher:

Abraham...Moses...Solomon—we've all heard their name. Are their stories just inspiring myths? Or did they really exist the way the Old Testament says? FInd out the compelling reasons archaeology give us to believe the Bible—and why the Bible has a message for us today. Investigate for yourself why the author turned from seeing the Bible as mythical and came to embrace it as both historical and factual.


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About the Author

Ralph O. Muncaster, a former skeptic of the Bible, is founder of Strong Basis to Believe, a ministry that helps people with belief struggles. He is a frequent lecturer at colleges, churches, and organizations, and is professor at Vanguard University of Southern California.

Table of Contents

Is the Old Testament Historically Accurate?4
The Foundational Issues6
How the Bible Fits with History8
Old Testament History and Archaeology10
How Archaeology Is Conducted16
Archaeology—a New Science18
Key Sites of Palestine20
Archaeological Evidence of the Old Testament22
Ancient Discoveries—Creation to 1900 B.C.24
Ancient Discoveries—1900 B.C. to 1100 B.C.29
Ancient Discoveries—1100 B.C. to 930 B.C.33
Ancient Discoveries—930 B.C. to 700 B.C.37
Ancient Discoveries—700 B.C. to the Time of Christ41
Common Questions46

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Can Archaeology Prove the New Testament?

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