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Can Archaeology Prove the New Testament?
Examine the Evidence Series

Ralph O. Muncaster

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Format: Paperback, 48pp.
ISBN: 0736903674
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers, Inc.
Pub. Date: July 2000

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From The Publisher:

Tales for Children? Entertaining fables? Or is the New Testament story actually history? Find out about the archaeological evidence that supports the Bible—and confirms what it says about Jesus, the most influential person who ever lived. Investigate for yourself the evidence that has convinced great archaeologists—and the author—to put complete confidence in the Biblical record. A quick, easy-to-read factual guide to archaeology and the New Testament.


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About the Author

Ralph O. Muncaster, a former skeptic of the Bible, is founder of Strong Basis to Believe, a ministry that helps people with belief struggles. He is a frequent lecturer at colleges, churches, and organizations, and is professor at Vanguard University of Southern California.

Table of Contents

What if "Stones Could Talk"?4
The Key Issues6
How the Bible Fits with History8
New Testament History and Archaeology10
Archaeology Verifies God's Input14
Archaeology––a New Science16
How Archaeology Is Conducted18
The Sites of Jesus' Life and Ministry20
The Sites of Paul's Ministry22
Historical Tradition24
Archaeological Evidence of the New Testament26
Ancient Discoveries––The Time Before Jesus' Ministry28
Ancient Discoveries––The Time of Jesus' Early Ministry31
Ancient Discoveries––The Time of Jesus' Middle Ministry35
Ancient Discoveries––The Time of Jesus' Later Ministry38
Ancient Discoveries––The Time of Church Expansion42
Common Questions46

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Can Archaeology Prove the Old Testament?

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