The ESV Study Bible

From The Publisher:
The ESV Study Bible includes 20,000 notes, written specifically for the ESV Study Bible. These notes focus especially on understanding the meaning of the text, giving answers to frequently raised questions, and providing theological, historical, and archaeological backgroundall for the purpose of helping readers to understand the Bible in a deeper way.
The ESV Study Bible also provides a wealth of additional resources. The introductions to each book include essential information about the author, date, and place of writing; an extensive chart of key themes; a summary of how the book fits in with the rest of the biblical storyline; a description of literary features; an outline of the book; and a large full-color map showing the setting of the book.
Another unique feature is the inclusion of over 50 helpful articles on topics such as the authority and truthfulness of the Bible, reading the Bible for application, the Bible in worship and prayer, the reliability of the biblical manuscripts, the relationship between archaeology and the Bible, an overview of biblical theology, and many more.
Other key resources include a system of over 80,000 cross references and an extensive concordance (which together facilitate easy location of important words and biblical themes). In addition, over 200 color charts, located throughout the Bible, provide clear, concise presentations of essential information.

Sample the ESV Study Bible
Click on the images below to read the introductions to the books of the Bible as they appear in the ESV Study Bible [pdf]:
And click on these images to see samples of the detailed and authoritative historical illustrations included in the ESV Study Bible:
 |  | Golgotha | Herod's Temple |
 | Temple Complex | Temple Mount |

Table of Contents

Customer Reviews
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ESV is an excellent Bible August 11, 2012 Reviewer: Gary Kukis from Houston, TX United States
I work with about 50 different translations, and this is one of the most accurate as well as one of the easiest to read. I find it slightly less accurate than the New King James Version and equally readable.
My only quibble is, I would prefer pronouns that refer to Jesus or to God as being capitalized; the ESV does not do this.

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